Golf Car Inventory


Commander tracks golf car inventory by stock#, year, make or model. New cars can be added as either customer owned, stocked or sold cars.  Your golf cars can be sold as both new and used and trades can be shown on the sales invoice.

The true cost associated each car sold is tracked and itemized including reconditioning costs, setup charges and options.  The net profitability on every sale is calculated and tracked

Commander can even print a handout sales brochure for any car, including photos.

Tracks Reconditioning Costs


If you buy, recondition and then sell used cars, you’ll be happy to know that Commander tracks all reconditioning costs and carefully adds them to the cost of your trade-ins and reconditioned inventory.

Finally you will know exactly what you have in a reconditioned car – BEFORE you offer it for sale.

It works the same way on a new car that you accessorize before offering for sale.  All the added accessories get added to the cost of the car as part of the rigging process.